A Little Bit About Me (the motivation behind the food)

I figured I should introduce myself and tell you a little bit about my life before we go and make a big mess in the kitchen together....or at least that is what always happens when I am through with my food creation! Looking back, I have realized I have always had a love for cooking and baking. I feel a sense of accomplishment when I make someone feel happy with a tummy full of delicious food. I didn't really have the time to put towards that hobby of mine due to the career path I chose, until now. (If you stick with me to the end, my recipes and food choices will make more sense along the way!)

But first, taking it back a little-
After graduating from high school I reported straight to Annapolis, Maryland where I attended The United States Naval Academy for four years. The Academy is unique in that you obtain a degree along with your Commission into the military service as an Officer. Staying true to my crazy self, I picked one of the toughest degrees and toughest branches to serve within. Why take the sane route when you can suffer and push yourself?! So there I was, graduating as a Chemistry major and Commissioning as a Second Lieutenant in the Marine Corps (sorry Mom).

From there I attended some additional training to ensure I earned the title of Marine and to become specialized in my field as a Communications Officer. I was stationed in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina for the next five years. I could go on and on with military stories as pretty much any Marine can once they get going. I will tryyyy to keep it short and sweet though. I had a blast. I challenged myself and accomplished more than I ever thought possible. Mentally, physically, and emotionally. I had the honor of serving with some of the most incredible people. Deployed on some crazy adventures and learned more about myself than I could in any other profession. I lived, loved, and breathed it 24/7 for nine years (if you include the military Academy time).


Deciding to leave the military life was one of the hardest things I have had to do. WHO am I now without the slicked back hair into a TIGHT bun and camouflage utilities?! It is a whole different world of ponytails and colorful clothing now! But I knew I wanted to be a mother someday and to have a family that could be together more than apart. I knew it was the right thing to do, but it didn't make that any easier! (our current furry family below)

Right around the time I was leaving the military, I found out I had some health issues going on. Well, truth be told I had been dealing with it for about a year, but I was being stubborn and pushing through. No one knew what was wrong with me. I had a slew of symptoms and test results were all over the place. Short term solutions were given as more of a band-aid to an underlying deeper issue. I felt like absolute crap and kept wondering what was wrong with me. A year and some change of feeling that way, I finally got some answers. Turns out an MRI with dye that was performed to confirm a hip injury and labral tear was the culprit. (OK we are almost to why I am doing food....apparently I have a lot to say)

The dye that was used was called gadolinium dye. There are so many stories and studies coming out now about this negatively impacting health (and not just for a short period). People like Chuck Norris' wife have had issues with it...I did feel a little better knowing I wasn't the only one! And Chuck Norris at that! All the symptoms started making sense. There were numbers and facts in front of my face to prove it. The gadolinium dye (a toxic heavy metal) made its way into the Hypothalamus of my brain and put my whole body on the fritz! Temperature control? OH NO we don't do that correctly anymore...HOT cold HOT cold. Am I hungry? ummmm I dont know? Blood pressure? Lets play with the numbers on the keyboard 12783465! Nerves in your feet? Lets set those on FIRE! You get the point. Basically my body can no longer regulate any type of homeostatic function. So here I am, not only transitioning out of the Marine Corps, but now having to restrict myself further per doctors orders. Talk about losing your sense of self. I had developed chronic fatigue at the cellular level. Basically my mitochondria do not know how to make energy anymore. I wear a heart rate monitor to ensure I do not go over a certain threshold. I was told very plainly that I cannot workout. I cannot run. I cannot do too much. I cannot take any medications (wow I miss Advil). I need to sleep and rest and be inactive. UMMM WHAT!?

Here is the good news though. If I listen to everything the doctors said and follow a very carefully laid out regimen, I may be able to get rid of this instead of making it permanent. What other motivation do you need?! Besides resting and listening to my body (ugh what is this listening stuff?) The biggest thing I can do to help is to EAT HEALTHY FOOD! Ha! I told you I was getting there! Antioxidant rich foods, anti-inflammatory foods, foods that promote your body to work with ease instead of fighting itself. This means no preservatives, GMO free, no High Fructose Corn Syrup (why is this in EVERYTHING), hormone free, good old fashion real organic foods. (Now you don't need to go all crazy and get on my food limitation train, but man has this been eye opening. All of my recipes will be made with this kind of food, but if you are happy with the food you already get from the store, I promise it will work just the same in the future recipes!)

Now how crazy is that? FOOD can help cure me? I'll gladly take that one! So my love for cooking sparked back up again. I have the time now, and I should say I certainly have the motivation! I have been putting a lot of research in to studying different foods and how to make a healthy and well-balanced meal that tastes good too. *And they have been thoroughly tested by my Husband who is also a Marine and LOVES to eat. He doesn't have any food restrictions, so I am telling you they taste good! not like a, "oh wow I feel healthier just eating this" haha!

So here we are! Going on a culinary adventure to eat healthy and good for you food while making it taste and look great! (I love plating food! Art you can eat!) I hope you enjoy going on this journey with me! I will post blogs once a week featuring a specific item to make from ingredients to plate. I will also add some other dinner ideas and such that I made throughout the week to give you some inspiration to use for the other days too. Thank you for reading my story and getting to know a little bit about me. I can't wait for the Food Blogs to begin!! See you again soon!

Let's get to Cookin'!


  1. Hope all will go well from here, you've accomplished so much, but the Lord has some more challenges for you since you've handled them so well for now................all the best we will be watching and supporting you along the way.................

    1. Aww thank you so much for saying that! And thank you so much for the support! It means a lot and gives me the confidence to keep it up!

  2. As said Husband's little sister, I can attest that he likes to eat, especially good food! So excited to get to cook alongisde you, even if I'm out of state! Love you dearly Abigail!

    1. Hahaha he certainly does, doesn't he?! I am super excited about that too! Makes the distance seem much smaller!

  3. I loved reading your story and can’t wait to cook after your recipies. Your personal struggles really hit home with me and I am excited to also benefit from the health aspects of foods that you have learned about. I hope you never loose your joy in cooking and will get much better over time. Sending hugs, Liesa

  4. ...and with better I mean of course health wise. I don’t doubt for a second that your creations are super tasty, with now passionate you are about it๐Ÿ’•

    1. Thank you so much Liesa!! I am so excited you are on here and I can't wait to make delicious food with you! Thank you for the support and encouragement! It really means a lot!!!

  5. Oh my gosh, how scary to think the same could have happened to me! I also had the same MRI and as a result, got both hip labral repairs done last year (I wouldn’t recommend 2 hip surgeries in 1 year if you get around to it btw). I will def be following along in your journey because let’s be real, we could all eat a little more healthily! Praying for you, Abigail! Loving your positivity through all this ❤️❤️

    1. Melody I am so glad you didn't have a bad reaction to the dye and are okay! Ouch on having both surgeries done that close together! You are a champ! Those pesky labral tears are more than a little annoying (stay in your socket, hip!) I hope your recovery is going well and that you get some more mobility back with them repaired ☺️. Awww thank you for the support and for the prayers! You are so sweet!! ☺️


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